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Study of a fast high power pulsed magnetron discharge: role of plasma deconfinement on the charged particle transport

P Vašina, M Meško, L de Poucques, et al.
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 17 (3) 035007 (2008)

Negative ion volume production model: State of the experimental confirmation

P. Berlemont, D. A. Skinner and M. Bacal
Review of Scientific Instruments 64 (10) 2721 (1993)

Phosphorus diffusion gettering of gold in silicon: The reversibility of the gettering process

Einar Ö. Sveinbjörnsson, Olof Engström and Ulf Södervall
Journal of Applied Physics 73 (11) 7311 (1993)

Interactions of oxygen, carbon, and extended defects in silicon

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Physica Status Solidi (a) 138 (2) 451 (1993)