Scattering by a network of prolate, cross-section-polydispersed cylinders applicable to fibrillar thermoreversible gels p. 1077 Jean-Michel Guenet DOI: AbstractPDF (312.5 KB)References
Anomalous scaling of velocity structure functions in turbulence: a new approach p. 1083 G. Ruiz Chavarría DOI: AbstractPDF (260.9 KB)References
Interacting rigid polyelectrolytes p. 1089 Jean-Louis Barrat and Jean-Francois Joanny DOI: AbstractPDF (905.2 KB)References
Interacting rigid polyelectrolytes p. 1103 T. A. Witten and P. A. Pincus DOI: AbstractPDF (188.4 KB)References
Effect of high electrolyte concentration on the cooperativity of the main phase-transition of DPPC p. 1107 P. Sapia and L. Sportelli DOI: AbstractPDF (509.5 KB)References
Relaxation modes of an adhering bilayer membrane p. 1117 Martin Kraus and Udo Seifert DOI: AbstractPDF (1.044 MB)References
Anomalous diffusion of surface-active species at liquid-fluid and liquid-solid interfaces p. 1135 Oleg V. Bychuk and Ben O'Shaughnessy DOI: AbstractPDF (1.255 MB)References
Polymeric brushes with density dependent excluded volume parameters p. 1157 P. Anderson, D. C. Hong, P. M. Lam and B. E. Vugmeister DOI: AbstractPDF (460.7 KB)References
The symmetric-asymmetric transition of the sponge phase : I. Effect of the salinity p. 1165 C. Vinches, C. Coulon and D. Roux DOI: AbstractPDF (1.436 MB)References
Spinodal phase separation in complex fluids p. 1195 F. Schmid and R. Blossey DOI: AbstractPDF (600.1 KB)References
Fluctuation forces and the Devil's staircase of ferroelectric smectic C*'s. p. 1209 R. Bruinsma and J. Prost DOI: AbstractPDF (617.9 KB)References
Swelling and cross-linking density effects on the structure of partially ionized gels p. 1221 F. Schosseler, R. Skouri, J. P. Munch and S. J. Candau DOI: AbstractPDF (1.084 MB)References