Numéro |
J. Phys. II France
Volume 3, Numéro 7, July 1993
Page(s) | 1121 - 1139 | |
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J. Phys. II France 3 (1993) 1121-1139
Smectic layering in polyphilic liquid crystals : X-ray diffraction and infra-red dichroism study
L. M. Blinov1, T. A. Lobko1, B. I. Ostrovskii1, S. N. Sulianov1 and F. G. Tournilhac21 Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences of Russia, Leninsky pr. 59, Moscow, 117333, Russia
2 ESPCI, CNRS-URA429, 10 rue Vauquelin, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
(Received 8 February 1992, accepted in final form 23 March 1993)
We present X-ray diffraction measurements of lamellar ordering for a new class of mesogens - polyphilic compounds - which
were reported to form achiral ferroelectrics. Two phases called smectic X and X
' manifest polar properties. Analysis of the scattering profiles parallel and perpendicular to the smectic layer provides detailed
data on the structure of smectic A, smectic X and X
' phases of these compounds. Smectic X
' phase corresponds to a strongly defective layered structure of the smectic C type with longitudinal correlation length
Å. The molecules are in a zigzag conformation and are tilted with respect to the layer normals. Infra-red dichroism data
show that the biphenyl moiety and the polyfluorinated chain of molecules form angles of 56° and 26° with respect to the layer
normals. In the smectic X phase, three types of layering coexist : (i) polar layers with tilted molecules, (ii) a modulated
structure of the same type consisting of layers periodically shifted with respect to each other and (iii) the orthogonal smectic
A layers with a spacing of 41 Å incommensurate with period 35 Å of the polar smectic layers. The coexistence of such incommensurate
structures is only possible in a strongly disordered medium. Infra-red dichroism data are consistent with this picture. The
in-plane structure factor in smectic X, X
' phases reveals two features of polyphilic compounds : a dramatic increase in the short-range positional correlations
Å or approximately 7 or 8 molecules in the local in plane order) and splitting of the intensity profiles into three peaks.
The latter corresponds to the appearance of nearest-neighbour molecular stacking at different distances. The formation of
polar, either uniform or modulated layered structures in the system of polyphilic molecules is discussed.
61.30E - 78.30L - 77.80D
© Les Editions de Physique 1993