Numéro |
J. Phys. II France
Volume 5, Numéro 10, October 1995
Page(s) | 1547 - 1565 | |
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J. Phys. II France 5 (1995) 1547-1565
Columnar to Nematic Mesophase Transition: Binary Mixtures of Unlike Copper Soaps
R. Seghrouchni and A. SkouliosGroupe des Matériaux Organiques, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg UMR 0046 (CNRS-ULP-EHICS), 23 rue du Loess, 67037 Strasbourg Cedex, France
(Received 16 May 1995, accepted 30 June 1995)
Copper (II) soaps are known to produce columnar mesophases at high temperature. The polar groups of the soap molecules are
stacked over one another within columns surrounded by the alkyl chains in a disordered conformation and laterally arranged
according to a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice. The present work studies the mesomorphic behaviour of binary mixtures of
copper soaps using differential scanning calorimetry, polarizing microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. When the soaps are of
comparable molecular sizes the mixtures are homogeneous and columnar at all compositions. The columns of the two soaps, remaining
intact in the mixture, are distributed randomly on the nodes of a hexagonal Bravais lattice. Crystallographic homogeneity
is obtained by transfer of methylene groups from cell to cell. When, on the other hand, the soaps are different enough in
molecular sizes, the columnar structure of the mixtures is interrupted in the middle range of compositions for the benefit
of a nematic one. The transfer of methylene groups gets indeed harder to achieve and the distortion of the hexagonal units
cells becomes important. The columnar to nematic phase transition is discussed on a molecular and a topological level.
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