Numéro |
J. Phys. II France
Volume 2, Numéro 2, February 1992
Page(s) | 163 - 174 | |
DOI | |
J. Phys. II France 2 (1992) 163-174
Application d'une théorie alternative de la diffraction pour l'étude des profils de modulation des réseaux holographiques de volume
S. Mechahougui and J. HarthongEcole Nationale Supérieure de Physique, Laboratoire des systèmes photoniques, 7 rue de l'université, F-67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France
(Received 24 May 1991, accepted 16 October 1991)
In this contribution we present a numerical study of the influence of the refractive index modulation profile onto several
parameters of interest such that diffraction efficiency, spectral selectivity, or angular selectivity. The most widely used
materials (silver halides and dichromated gelatin) have a strongly non-linear response at high exposures. Many papers have
been published about this subject. Solymar and his group [22 - 24] have studied in detail the formation of a modulation profile
for the refractive index in the region of saturation. For linear exposures the profile will be sinusoidal, but for exposures
with saturation, it will be non-sinusoidal. We have selected a series of possible profiles, which correspond to the properties
of the materials at saturation, as they have been studied in [22-24]. For these models of profiles we have carried out a complete
set of numerical computations, using programs of our own. These programs are based on a complete and exact solution of the
Maxwell equations. The programs have been used for the computation of the efficiencies and of the angular selectivity at Bragg
incidence for the different models of non-sinusoidal profiles. We were interested mainly by the optimal cases; indeed the
efficiencies at a given order depend strongly on the thickness and on the modulation amplitude: for each given thickness,
there is a precise value of the modulation amplitude at which the efficiency is maximum; conversely, for each given amplitude
of modulation, there is a precise value of the thickness at which the efficiency is maximum. We have then studied the dependence
of the efficiency and of the angular selectivity with respect to the profile, in the neighbourhood of these optimal cases. This study should explain theoretically the way by which the efficiency depends on the exposure: it is due not only to the
fact that the modulation amplitude increases with the exposure, but also to the fact that after having reached saturation,
the profiles gets a non-sinusoidal form for which the theoretical efficiency is better than for the sinusoidal from. We present
only a theoretical analysis; for the analysis of the correlation between the exposure and the form of the resulting profile,
we follow the work of Solymar and his group.
Nous présentons une étude numérique de l'influence du profil de modulation de l'indice de réfraction, sur quelques paramètres
tels que: l'efficacité de diffraction, la sélectivité spectrale et angulaire. Les matériaux photosensibles les plus utilisés
en holographie à savoir les halogénures d'argent et la gélatine bichromatée, sont fortement non linéaires pour des expositions
élevées. Nous avons choisi une série de profils correspondant à des expositions différentes. Pour ces profils nous avons fait
une étude numérique complète en utilisant une théorie alternative de la diffraction dans les milieux modulés [1].
42.40 - 42.70G - 42.80F
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